
After twenty years, the Rifugio Torino changes management. Since December 2012, the CAI has entrusted the new management to the Chanoine family.
Armando is a ski instructor and mountain guide, and together with his family has always carried out activities linked to the area and the mountains. In particular, in recent years he has been involved in the management of the Monzino Refuge.
Customer satisfaction in an alpine hut is first and foremost achieved by transmitting his passion for his work and for the mountains, the same passion that Armando has managed to pass on to his children: Fabienne is a ski instructor, her husband Denis is an alpine guide, Jean-Marc and Véronique are ski instructors, while Jacques and Didier are ski instructors and are completing the course to become alpine guides.
At a very young age, they were able to bond with their father to climb their first four-thousand metre peaks: Gran Paradiso, Monte Rosa, Mont Blanc and Matterhorn.
His wife Elena, although very busy running the Bar Gelateria Pilier Central in Morgex, took part with Armando in the gruelling 'Tor des Geants', an endurance trail race that runs entirely along the two Valle d'Aosta high passes.

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